Anyway, Davis's luxurious and glorious hairstyle is most likely the worst haircut on a Black man I've seen since 2013. It also got me thinking: Who else is guilty of making an historically bad hair decision that will haunt them and their progeny for eternity? If I were to make a list of famous Black men who very obviously went to their stylist and said "Eh, Fuck it", who else would make the cut?
The Nino Brown
If there was a hall of fame for historically shitty decisions Black men made with their hair, a late 80s early 90s Wesley Snipes would on the first ballot. And the second ballot. And the third ballot. He'd be on all the ballots.
The Pre-rehab and post-probation Chris Brown
This is why you should always think twice about giving light-skinned Virginia niggas money.
The Pre-Ciara Russell Wilson
Just to be clear, I have nothing against interracial dating. Some of my best friends have friends who know people who date White women. But I still think its amusing when certain Black men have certain hair that advertises, in no uncertain terms "Yeah…I don't really do Black chicks like that."
The Coolio
Because he apparently was so shocked he won a Grammy that he decided "electrocution" should be a permanent look.
The Kanye West Shag
The Andrew Bynum
Fuck no.
The MC Hammer
It's easy to forget how popular Hammer was 25 years ago. But, if you ever have any trouble remembering, just look at this picture and remind yourself that kids actually wanted Hammer hair. (And yes, I was one of them.)
That's how popular he was.
The Robert Griffin III, currently
Just to be clear, I have nothing against interracial dating. Some of my best friends have friends who know people who date White women. But I still think its amusing when certain Black men have certain hair that advertises, in no uncertain terms "Yeah…I don't really do Black chicks like that."
The Lionel Richie
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